She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I was a psych major in college, so I am somewhat familiar with the whole MBTI/"determing your personality type" subject. I think everyone who has taken Psych 101 had to take the Myers-Briggs test at least once. I never really put much stock in stuff like that, though. The actual Myers-Briggs research is pretty cool, but as is the problem with almost all personality psych research, the true findings get buried and subsumed by pop psychology (even in the introductory level psychology classes themselves). And then there's the whole unpleasant offshoot of the pop psych aspect, that of people trying to make a buck off of telling you how wonderful you are deep down inside and how you're really in the wrong career path and oh yeah, just pay us $49.95 and we will give you a nice little home-grown test to determine exactly what you should do with your life. And if you pay another $19.95, maybe we'll even throw in some graphs to show you what a unique person you are.

That said, though, for some reason tonight I was motivated to read some stuff about my (best guess, anyway) Myers-Briggs personality type, INFP (introverted intuitive feeling perceiving). And it's kinda frightening how well these describe me:
If I had to try to write some blurb about my personality, I really couldn't do any better than that.

I once read that there is an abnormally high concentration of INTJ types among poker players. Makes sense, I guess (although it makes me picture a bunch of Sklansky type limit nerds...I wonder if there is a difference between the average personality type of limit and no limit players).

In other news, we got about 4 inches of snow today. Generally this makes me happy, as I love the snow (seriously, in my dream world Chicago would have 3 feet of snow on the ground for the whole winter), but when the snow starts coming down in the afternoon and you have to drive home in rush hour traffic, it gets pretty annoying.My usually 15-20 minute drive home would have taken me about 1.5 hrs today...I say would have, as my car broke down 2/3rds of the way home. (As they say on 30 Rock, "Blergh!") I've been driving this car ever since I was 15 and on a driver's 13 yrs now (yikes!)...and I had never before had it break down on me. So, of course, my life being what it is, I get to have my first break down in the middle of the worst snowstorm so far this winter. Heh. I really can't complain, though. The engine lasted long enough for me to make it into a strip mall parking lot and then I called my dad to come and rescue me with his nice big 4-wheel-drive SUV. I even got to spend the intervening time waiting for him in the local pet shop, which is my general idea of a fun outing. (Yeah, INFP, we're not really the wild and crazy fun type.)

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