She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Monday, January 14, 2008

More on Downswings

Meant to post this before. This is something Jman on 2p2 posted in his "in the well" thread, which is the best thread I've read in a loooong, looong time. The part about going on autopilot when running bad really hit home for me -- I never realized how true that is of myself until I read it. Anyway, quote:

people play worse and less decisively when stuck. They don't trust their decisions as much. The opposite is true for players who are running better.

Also when players are losing, they often go on autopilot and hope to run good. Players who are winning think about every hand and look for any +EV spot. This might have the effect of the losing player not fighting for the small pots.

Someone losing is often scared to make correct plays because they feel their opponent is inside their head. They can envision their (good) river bluff getting snapcalled with bottom pair, so they opt not to make it. Things like that.


Got a million things to do at work but can't seem to get myself motivated to do more than the bare minimum. Standard Monday. Mid-year performance reviews were due today (basically we review our own performance--it's all very dumb); I just hope they don't tell me I have to start getting into work on time. No matter what I do, I always seem to get here 20 minutes late. I usually get to the parking garage on time, though--they should start the clock there!

My brother went back to school yesterday. I'm looking forward to getting the basement cleaned up and organized now. Matt is possibly the messiest person I have ever known. Still, I miss having him around; life is always duller when he's not here to annoy me.

Didn't play any poker yesterday, which is a good thing I suppose, although it sucks for the bankroll only playing 1 out of 3 weekend days. I did watch a couple of videos, even one on limit hold 'em (!). Usually the games are the worst on Monday and Tuesday, so I don't know if I'll bother playing tonight. Maybe just clean the basement some more.

Went out to dinner Friday with friends at a place called Uncommon Ground in Wrigleyville. Some pictures:

My friend Lauren and her boyfriend, Jeff. I love Lauren's expression here--the menu is very surprising!

Matt, Virag and Murtaza

Murtaza's girlfriend is fostering an awesome older dog--we stopped by her apt to visit it. I think Matt fell in love.