She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Monday, January 19, 2009

Quote of the day

"Sports is man's joke on God, Max. You see, God says to man, 'I've created a universe where it seems like everything matters, where you'll have to grapple with life and death and in the end you'll die anyway, and it won't really matter.' So man says to God, 'Oh, yeah? Within your universe we're going to create a sub-universe called sports, one that absolutely doesn't matter, and we'll follow everything that happens in it as if it were life and death.'"

New Music

I am really digging these guys:

In fact, I like that music so much that I am linking to that site in spite of my totally rational hatred of all things Myspace. Worst. Website. Ever! Every time I go there I end up super-tilted by all the ads and the layout and the crazy-ass wallpapers people choose. And auto-playing music is always a bad idea, always. Even the name itself tilts me. Myspace. The first time I heard that name several years ago, I thought it was some site for little kids to play on. It sounds like something involving Toys-r-Us. Bah. I guess I'm just too particular about things.

My brother used to like to say that Myspace is "Facebook for Idiots." However, the way Facebook is now, I would say Facebook is now also Facebook for Idiots. Or something. I guess I shouldn't ding it that much -- it is quite useful. But I really do not need to know when one of my friends takes a quiz about her favorite ice cream flavor, thankyouverymuch. And no, I don't want to take the quiz and compare my answers, that's OK. I think I can find a few more interesting things to do. Like rant on here. Hmmph...