She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

I am in an abnormally good mood today. I don't know why. I keep finding myself with this stupid grin on my face and then have to consciously "neutralize" my expression so I don't get hit with the, "And what are you smiling at?" from my co-workers(the answer is nothing; I'm just goofy!)

Yesterday I received from a CD by Griffin House (one of the musicians on the cruise, who I actually never got to see but heard good things about) and the DVD of "The Remains of the Day." Watched the commentary to RotD; it was very good. Emma Thompson is hilarious. I guess she was a stand-up comic before she got into acting (she mentioned something about this in the commentary). Also, she and Anthony Hopkins are both obviously very, very smart. Smart, creative people are the best kind of people. <--My deep thought for the day. I am obviously not one of these smart, creative people I speak of.

Griffin House's CD was awesome also. He has a very Elliott Smith-esque vibe; he seems to also be fond of the double tracked vocals. So I was listening to the CD while futzing around on the computer and enjoying it but not actively paying much attention, and then I came to this song towards the end where I could have sworn he sang "I love your butt in my face" as the chorus. I almost spit out my drink. I was like, hmmm, this is not so Elliott Smith-like anymore. But it turns out he was merely singing "I love your blood in my veins." So that was a relief.

In other news, I am sooo not feeling the work vibe today. My boss has been out sick all week with the flu. Not that I wish her to be sick or anything like that, but wow, I can get so much more work done when I'm left on my own. So I've basically caught up with almost everything on my desk. A week ago I was buried in paperwork. I've been the anti-procrastinator lately, I guess. Until today. My goal today is to complete the minimum amount of real work that I can for the next five hours. Go go go.

Here is another of these comics that I liked:

Garfield Minus Garfield

My brother sent me this last night:

It is pretty awesome.

Here is one of my favorites: