Also, is there a Darwin award category for business ideas? If so, I think this guy deserves a nomination. Quote from article:
Gioia would unwind by playing poker online in his hotel room at night. But that was very different from sitting at a table with other players and handling real cards.The funny thing is, people are so dumb that this might just be the perfect marketing angle for online poker. And think of the type of players this site would attract -- my god, I might have to sign up myself!
For example, his three-of-a-kind and full-house hands frequently got topped.
“I even got beat with a straight flush by a higher straight flush — things I’d never seen at a real table,” Gioia said. ...
And so he started Gioia Systems LLC. His biggest challenge was how to differentiate his site from the fast-growing number of popular Internet poker sites.
“The answer was almost instantaneous: Play with a real deck of cards,” he said.