She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


and so i go from floor to floor looking for a port of call
another drunk conquistador conquering the governor's ball
i couldn't think of a thing
that I hope tomorrow brings
oh what a surprise
stupidity tries
--Elliott Smith, Stupidity Tries

Best of TWoP: Quote #257

add_duck: "You know, Aidan figured out that his mom was the killer, but why didn't he just wait until the jury convicted EvilMom? (I mean, we know Casey would never have gotten a conviction, but Aidan didn't know that) If he'd just let the case run it's course, it seems unlikely that Our Heroes would've pegged Dr. Quinn as the killer. It's not like they know she's a special guest star.

Topic for discussion: Which is hotter, Donna the Undercover Bar Slut, or FormalWear Liv in "Surveillance"? I'm voting for Donna, because, as wonderful as the view of the plunging back may be, I think the off the shoulder look is better for MH. Plus, Donna has better hair. But let's get a really good shallow debate going on the subject!"

Best of TWoP: Quote #853

spacedog: "And, I must say that I do not watch the L&O franchise to feel safe. For your information, Mr. Big, I watch it to fufill my lustful yearnings."

add_duck: "Heh. I think you've just spoken for the majority of this thread. I completely agree, L&O rarely makes me feel "safe." Episodes like "Contact" freak me out, even if Our Heroes eventually catch the bad guys. They couldn't prevent it from happening in the first place, huh? And then episodes like "Popular" make me feel unsafe because they teach me that some self-righteous cop might decide to stick his nose in my private medical business..."

Spacedog: "Yeah, I'm in constant fear that an extremely hot, blonde ADA is gonna show up at my door, and demand to search my house without a warrant. Wait...that's not a fear, that's another lustful yearning. Nevermind."