Here's something you don't see every day--an actually well-informed and intelligent article about poker from the mainstream media (ESPN, no less!). Embarrassing admission time: I have a yooge crush on Phil Galfond. Dude is a great poker player, a good writer, a very nice guy (from everything I've heard) and pretty cute. What more could you ask for in a guy?
In other news, work is kicking my ass and I am running extremely well at the poker. Matt went back to school yesterday and left me with his MacBook Air--not a bad deal! I'd forgotten the luxury of having a laptop that doesn't overheat and completely crash every time I try to open more than three programs on it simultaneously. (I love my laptop about as much as one can an inanimate object; it has served me very well these past four years, but it is clearly on its last legs.) The two-finger scrolling is a new thing for me and is sooo nice.

Having survived the Nazis, the Hungarians did not want to trade
Just imagine that your love wand becomes extremely huge! It is attainable!
Before deciding on applying to surgery, try our preparation!
The Russians were moving westward. But would they break the NaziWhat one is left with is a man who, even as an adult, was convincedTwo: When taking risks, dont bet the ranch.He is a chemical engineer and works for Tungsram, the wellknownthe other boys. In fact, George learned how to box, how to defend him-own interest in the subject. Although the family spoke Hungarian,
I wonder if anyone has ever considered writing a book about all the different bizarro spam people come up with. I can't be the only one who gets a huge kick out of this stuff, can I?