She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Never Heard This One Before

Just came across this little gem--has to be the most hilarious theory on acting that I've ever heard:

...Ed Norton isn't a real actor. Here's a test: a real actor -- regardless of the approach -- settles their whole selves into the character. That's the only way to make things work. A poor actor is always there, always present, controlling his instrument. That uses one side of the brain as a puppetmaster for the rest of the body. That works for all parts of the body but the face: the two halves are unavoidably controlled by the two sides of the brain.

So, for example watch Harrison Ford. When he speaks, only one side of his mouth moves. When he uses his eyes (rare) only one is affected. You can literally see one side of his face as the actor manipulating the other side as character. Now watch Ed Norton here. Same thing. Impossible to hide if you are a bad actor, an incomplete artist...

Yeah, uh, WTF?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Just posted the following story on 2p2, re: some serious fun I had at the online poker last night.

Anyway, I thought I'd share with you guys a pretty hilarious experience I had last night--first time I've ever found the opportunity to throw out a "HU4rollz" challenge to someone. So I was donking around at NL50 6max with a friend of mine (boundlessbluff) who I've been mentoring a bit in the poker, and I got into the following hand with one of the other TAGs at the table:

FullTiltPoker Game #6140933948: Table Stardust (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:52:35 ET - 2008/04/22
Seat 1: cslack8909 ($50)
Seat 2: SuicideKing21 ($51.25)
Seat 3: famouslastwords ($77.70)
Seat 4: audikid ($161)
Seat 5: BoundlessBluff ($88.35)
Seat 6: thee babe ($58.15)
thee babe posts the small blind of $0.25
cslack8909 posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to famouslastwords [Ah As]
SuicideKing21 folds
famouslastwords raises to $1.75
audikid has 15 seconds left to act
audikid raises to $4
BoundlessBluff folds
thee babe folds
cslack8909 has 15 seconds left to act
cslack8909 adds $0.50
cslack8909 folds
famouslastwords has 15 seconds left to act
famouslastwords raises to $12.75
audikid has 15 seconds left to act
audikid calls $8.75
*** FLOP *** [Jc 8d 6h]
famouslastwords checks
audikid has 15 seconds left to act
audikid bets $15
famouslastwords raises to $64.95, and is all in
audikid has 15 seconds left to act
audikid calls $49.95
famouslastwords shows [Ah As]
audikid shows [Ts Td]
*** TURN *** [Jc 8d 6h] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Jc 8d 6h 8c] [4h]
famouslastwords shows two pair, Aces and Eights
audikid shows two pair, Tens and Eights
famouslastwords wins the pot ($153.15) with two pair, Aces and Eights
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $156.15 | Rake $3
Board: [Jc 8d 6h 8c 4h]
Seat 1: cslack8909 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: SuicideKing21 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: famouslastwords showed [Ah As] and won ($153.15) with two pair, Aces and Eights
Seat 4: audikid showed [Ts Td] and lost with two pair, Tens and Eights
Seat 5: BoundlessBluff (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: thee babe (small blind) folded before the Flop

Some trash-talking chat ensued:
BoundlessBluff: nh
famouslastwords: heh, tx
famouslastwords: that's a gift, getting people to stack off like
audikid: a blind squirrel....
famouslastwords: can't teach it ;-)
famouslastwords: you calling me a squirrel?
audikid: im saying youre awful and woke up with a good hand
audikid: a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then
famouslastwords: hu for rolls?
SuicideKing21: lol
audikid: hu for rolls?
famouslastwords: let's do it
audikid: heads up?
audikid: haha
famouslastwords: ya
audikid: id be happy to play for rolls, but u cant sit down at my table
famouslastwords: name the stakes
audikid: nl5000?
famouslastwords: ok
SuicideKing21: lol, ur both morons
famouslastwords: search for me
famouslastwords: I'm at orbit
BoundlessBluff: tell me which table so I can watch..
BoundlessBluff: THX
famouslastwords: cmon man
famouslastwords: b4 someone else sits
BoundlessBluff: cmon audi, u all talk
SuicideKing21: stay here and donk around a bit
audikid: u think im gonna sit down heads up, really?
BoundlessBluff: scared...
famouslastwords: well, you said you would
famouslastwords: we can play lower if you don't have enough
audikid: called sh it talking
famouslastwords: or higher if you want
SuicideKing21: no, its called being called out

Audikid ended up sitting for about 10 seconds, but never bought in and promptly disappeared from both tables. It's too bad for him, really--not only does he end up looking like a tool, but he probably would have had a decent shot at taking my "roll," as badly as I suck at HU play.

That was the most fun I've had at a poker table in a long time. This doesn't make me an excessively mean person, does it?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Saw this comment on another blog:
Sometimes when I'm sitting at my computer, all 'Dear Google, how do I get wax out of a table cloth?' (warm iron and paper towel) or 'Dear Google, who was it that said 'The road to hell is paved with adverbs' (Stephen King), I wonder how they did it, so long ago, when all the knowledge in the world was stored up in books and in people's heads. Maybe they did a lot more calling their moms, or talking to Old Man Perkins down on Amblewood.

...actually, it was in response to a very funny story: The Internet is Magic on Ultratart, one of my favorite blogs.

Seriously, how did people do things back in the day? Reference books? Literal carbon copies of letters and memos? It blows my mind. We're so much more efficient nowadays--so I don't understand why no one seems to be working towards a standard 3-day weekend. Surely technology has earned us an extra 8 hrs off per week, eh? Who's with me?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Good Stuff

Poker comics, what more could you want from life?

I like this one in particular:

Friday, April 04, 2008

Cigarettes & Coffee

OK, no cigarettes. But coffee, yes. I am a big fan of good coffee. At work, the brand we usually order is called Stewart's Coffee, and I actually think it's really good. Add 3/4ths of a French Vanilla Coffeemate creamer, stir, and I am a happy, productive worker. At least for a little while.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of the people in my office don't like the Stewart's Coffee very much. They have very bad taste (and obviously defective taste buds!), as they keep bringing in packages of Dunkin' Donuts coffee and making them instead. I know Dunkin' Donuts is like known for its coffee and has a big following of people who proclaim it as their coffee of choice. I am here to tell you that those people are all completely and utterly ridiculous. Dunkin' Donuts has some of the worst coffee I have ever tasted. It is so nasty; the taste is just so, so...well, I don't know what it is. It's bad. Overly acidic would be my best guess. And the aftertaste, ugh. All of these people who preferentially drink it are off their rockers. I wonder what in the world is wrong with them. They are probably the same people who think candied cranberries are a good food. Yuck.

So, anyway, now that I have that off my chest, a little update on life. Poker went pretty well in March; I didn't get to play a ton, but I always 12-tabled when I did play, so I got in a decent number of hands overall. Ended up even surprising myself by having the guts to play about 100 hands of NL2K 6-max because I got the "God seat" (i.e. the seat to the immediate left) on a huge fish. It was pretty nerve-wracking, and the regulars ran me over completely, but luckily I was able to isolate the fish a few times and take a good chunk of his stack. It was a good experience overall, I think, but I definitely don't consider myself an NL2K caliber player by any means and don't plan on making a habit out of playing in games that high. Maybe some day. Maybe.

Work has been pretty "ugh" lately. My boss/immediate superior is in poor health, has been in and out of the hospital for the past 3 weeks, and is basically going to have to take a leave of absence from work. So, I know I've complained in the past about "doing the work of two people" in my office, but actually, literally having to do the job of two people is fucking hard. Especially when it's your supervisor's job. I'm well on my way to a serious case of burn out. And, of course, poker is there in the background, always, teasing me with its easy money and promises of mornings of sleeping in and no alarm clocks. It is tempting, no doubt. I try not to think about it--especially in the morning.