She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Friday, April 04, 2008

Cigarettes & Coffee

OK, no cigarettes. But coffee, yes. I am a big fan of good coffee. At work, the brand we usually order is called Stewart's Coffee, and I actually think it's really good. Add 3/4ths of a French Vanilla Coffeemate creamer, stir, and I am a happy, productive worker. At least for a little while.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of the people in my office don't like the Stewart's Coffee very much. They have very bad taste (and obviously defective taste buds!), as they keep bringing in packages of Dunkin' Donuts coffee and making them instead. I know Dunkin' Donuts is like known for its coffee and has a big following of people who proclaim it as their coffee of choice. I am here to tell you that those people are all completely and utterly ridiculous. Dunkin' Donuts has some of the worst coffee I have ever tasted. It is so nasty; the taste is just so, so...well, I don't know what it is. It's bad. Overly acidic would be my best guess. And the aftertaste, ugh. All of these people who preferentially drink it are off their rockers. I wonder what in the world is wrong with them. They are probably the same people who think candied cranberries are a good food. Yuck.

So, anyway, now that I have that off my chest, a little update on life. Poker went pretty well in March; I didn't get to play a ton, but I always 12-tabled when I did play, so I got in a decent number of hands overall. Ended up even surprising myself by having the guts to play about 100 hands of NL2K 6-max because I got the "God seat" (i.e. the seat to the immediate left) on a huge fish. It was pretty nerve-wracking, and the regulars ran me over completely, but luckily I was able to isolate the fish a few times and take a good chunk of his stack. It was a good experience overall, I think, but I definitely don't consider myself an NL2K caliber player by any means and don't plan on making a habit out of playing in games that high. Maybe some day. Maybe.

Work has been pretty "ugh" lately. My boss/immediate superior is in poor health, has been in and out of the hospital for the past 3 weeks, and is basically going to have to take a leave of absence from work. So, I know I've complained in the past about "doing the work of two people" in my office, but actually, literally having to do the job of two people is fucking hard. Especially when it's your supervisor's job. I'm well on my way to a serious case of burn out. And, of course, poker is there in the background, always, teasing me with its easy money and promises of mornings of sleeping in and no alarm clocks. It is tempting, no doubt. I try not to think about it--especially in the morning.

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