She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Monday, February 18, 2008

Who's Counting, Anyway?

OK, so a day later, a week and a half later, all the same in the grand scheme of things...But I better write this down now before this vacation completely fades from memory!

Vacation Top Ten List:
10) Cab driver to the airport on our way back home who kept going on and on about how Tom Brady had once been in his cab and left his water bottle (or possibly gave it to the cabbie w/ his autograph? I couldn't quite follow), so now he has "Tom Brady's DNA" to prove to everyone that he was actually in his cab. He just has to get it tested. Funniest part: Katherine good-naturedly commenting, "Ah, I think you would need something to compare it to," and him just continuing the conversation over her, oblivious.
9) 24-hour soft serve swirlie flavor frogurt on the ship (the swirlie is the most important part!)
8)Watching Ed play Rock Band with fans, esp. when trying to sing "Say it Ain't So" without knowing all the words (he employed my brother's technique of just kind of mumbling in the right key at the fast parts), helping this little 5-yr-old girl sing Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive," and failing at the drums on hard and deciding the game "needed" calibration. [Pretty funny also to see that and then see him actually playing drums -- perfectly well, from what I could tell -- with Brothers Creegan the next night.]
7)The Music of Paul McCartney thing that Steve Page and the dude from Harvey Danger did. I don't even like Paul McCartney, but this was really cool. First time I ever realized the chorus of "Maybe I'm Amazed" is not "Baby I'm Amazed" (uh, yeah, duh).
6)Towel animals!
5)Meeting Adam of the Gusters and somehow ending up discussing Puppetry of the Penis.
4)Hearing Box Set live.
3)Spontaneous second encore of When I Fall at BNL show. It was just...yeah. Crazy amount of energy in that room. Probably my favorite concert moment of all time.
2) Songwriter panel. It was totally not what I expected (which would have been a Q & A session about writing songs), but it was amazing.
1) Boothby Graffoe. He stole the show at the songwriter panel, and considering the line up, that was quite a feat. Classic British humor, perfect delivery, some of the funniest songs I've ever heard = unforgettable. Some examples: Kittens in a Bag, I Saw you on the Telly.

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