She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Accomplished

Today I went through and organized my entire list of subscribed-to blogs on Google Reader. You can make as many folders as you want and add the same blogs to multiple folders (so nice and convenient). It never even dawned on me that you could do this until today when I noticed the little "manage subscriptions" icon at the bottom of my near infinite list. I am slow.

Speaking of slow, I just realized recently that Wikipedia's address has "en." at the beginning because it is denoting you are going to the English site. I had always imagined the address was like that for some artsy reason, like the beginning of an abbreviated Latin phrase that means "in here lies knowledge". Or something. I don't know, I get weird ideas.

PLO is going meh. I realized last night that one of my major issues is not playing well against maniacs. This is weird b/c I feel like adjusting to maniacs is one of my strengths in NLH. But in PLO I can never figure out their hand range and just get lost postflop...which mostly results in them value-towning me when they flop trip deuces with their 2T6Kr hand. Most of these maniacs have pretty big bet sizing (and even timing tells) -- I just gotta pay more attention...

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