She says she wants to live in a movie
I say I want someone else to stand behind me
And write it all down
'Cause I can't be bothered doing it myself
And I don't want the responsibility of proving its importance

Song of the Day

Monday, August 04, 2008

Tornado Central

I had to cut short my session tonight 'cause we're having a really bad thunderstorm and the tornado warning sirens keep going off. So sad too 'cause I had the God seat on this 60/20 donk at a table where we were both +200bbs deep. Whenever I end up with a seat like that and have to leave, I feel like I should be allowed to auction it off to the highest bidder on the wait list. I guess that wouldn't be such a good feature for keeping the fish comfortable, though.

For some reason my dog has gotten really freaked out lately by thunderstorms. She never used to pay attention to them, but ever since all the fireworks around 4th of July this year, she's been getting spooked much more readily. Right now she is hiding in the basement bathroom. I guess she'll be the safest one in the house if a tornado hits.

This weekend I decided to experiment a bit with massive multi-tabling on Stars. I wanted to see if it would even be physically possible for me to play 24 tables at once. I had never played more than 12 at a time before (which is my standard number to play when putting in a full ring session). But I got it up to 18 tables on the first night I tried and 21 tables pretty easily the next night, and 24 tables actually seems well within reach. I finally understand why people who play that many tables are so crazy about cascading the tables--there would be no way to do it by tiling them across the screen (too much mouse movement). I had tried cascading my tables once a while back on FTP, but I thought it really sucked and kept making retarded misclicks. It's easier on the Stars' software. The key is to turn on the "pop up table when action required" option, which I had never tried before b/c for some reason I thought it would be making tables pop up all over the place as soon as my turn came up (I pictured a lot of craziness ensuing!). But Stars has the software worked out quite nicely where one table will pop up but none will pop in front of it until you've made your action on that table. So with 20+ tables, it's like a continual rotation of tables that pop up each time you complete your decision on the previous table. Kinda cool, actually. I found the hardest part to be keeping track of which tables I had to reload on.

Not that I plan to get into the massive multi-tabling any time soon, but it's nice to know I can do it. It is very tiring, and I noticed the mental fatigue set in earlier than usual (like at 45 min into the session as opposed to 2 hrs in), when I started to make ridiculously ill-advised plays and had to call it a session. Also, it's rather annoying not to be able to keep track of which table I have a particular image at since I had no spatial reference points for the different tables (when I tile the tables, I'm pretty good at remembering, for example, that I just bluffed off my stack at the upper right table; that I am running the table over at the middle left table; that I have a supernit image at the bottom middle table b/c I haven't been getting any hands, etc.) 

I am kind of curious about what kind of hourly rate I could achieve w/ 24 tabling, though. I wonder if it would be more profitable. I'm thinking it probably would.

So I guess the Cubs game is gonna be rained out. Bad timing--they just barely got in 5 innings and Houston is leading 2-0. Someone should have started a dugout fire in the 5th or something to keep them from getting through the inning. Where's a decent pyromaniac when you need one?

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